July 21, 2015

Work Related : Hello Kitty Cafe

It's no longer a secret! 
We've been working on this project for almost a year and as much as I wanted to share, I had to keep it as P&C project until it is ready for public. But it is almost near to the launching date and they've put up some teaser stickers last week :

( These images were taken from my boss's )


This would be my final and biggest project while I'm with LGM. And because I am there from the initial start of the project until it is ready to be born, I feel super excited and proud. I designed those sticker panels along with so many other things, I never have physical things printed and put up in a mall - so I'm going to mark this amazing year. My teammates and I worked very hard for this project.

I hope the launching will be scheduled soon.


PS : And I will go there soon and do selfies and take more overly-excited photos.
The cafe is located in Sunway Pyramid by the way :D


  1. Hi news rumor it will be officially open August 2015. I am actually in process of arranging a party end of August. If you have connection with the manager and they willing to accept order for private party in hello café possible to hook me up with them offline.


    1. Hi David,

      It is scheduled to be opened by the end of this August.
      I don't think they are accepting private party yet, because there are a lot of stuffs planned for Hello Kitty Cafe at this moment. And I'm sorry, they still haven't make any contact details public so I can't share anything much :) I hope you understand.
