July 24, 2015

Doodle : Bookaholic

I found a nice picture of a girl reading and it reminds me of myself :D 
So I illustrated this for fun :


I finished reading Amityville Horror Part 2 while we were stuck in the car during Raya. Thanks to the technology, I have several more books in my iPhone to kill some time :D I have the classic "Neverending Story" by Michael Ende (1979). I've never read the book, but I watched the movie when I was small. I also have the classic Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse), On the Road (Jack Kerouac) and several short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Even with all the ebooks, I still can't get myself to read the digital copy unless when I'm really bored and I need to read something. *PS : I'm still stuck with Hannibal part 2 and Neverending Story.

Maybe I should make a bag specially-made for my 'physical' book keeping. So I can bring several books at one time instead of putting several books in my handbag :D I used to secretly put 2-3 books in the car's bonnet when we went back for Raya - without my sister's knowledge, because she will complain about the amount of books that I choose I bring back.


PS 2 : Even for our next trip to Japan, I've been thinking about which book to bring since I bought the ticket in February! 5 months just for the preparation of choosing 1 book for a short trip. A tough choice to make. Any idea? 

As Erasmus, the 16th century scholar said : 
“When I get a little money I buy books;  and if any is left I buy food and clothes.”


  1. I always find it easier to read digital book than printed ones. I don't know why but you are my motivation to read printed/physical books. Thank you :)

    1. There's something sentimental when it comes to reading a printed books. I always find it addictive to walk through shelves of books, searching for something that will catch my eyes. I love old books with scribble of things by the person who used to own it, or old bookmarks left by them. I love new books with new modernized design or totally different edition printed by other publishers.

      Ebooks are just.. ebooks.

  2. Saya suka bawa buku letak dalam handbag with all other stuffs sampai teruk juga lah buku tu ada masanya, But if I don't bring any with me I feel empty and something missing.

    1. Jangan lupa balut bukuuu *wajib* dan pastikan ada totebag dlm handbag supaya boleh asingkan buku bila dah penuh beg. Hehe. Yesterday I bought 3 books to the office and felt like I brought too many *sbb berat weii* , balik rumah later I letak balik dlm bilik and bwk 1 je hari ni. Huhu. Sedih.
