May 23, 2015

Little Things 187 : Perfect Habitat

There is a jellyfish lake in one of the islands in Palau. The lake is connected to the sea through ancient tunnels. It is a lake with environment almost like the sea with salt water combined with original freshwater from the lake. It is completely isolated. 

A secluded perfect area. 

There are a family of jellyfish. Somehow they arrived in this big beautiful perfect marine lake. Their family grew, there were no prey, they didn't have to worry about anything. Perfect life, perfect environment. 

Along the time, they evolved. They do not have any threats from any other animals in the lake, so they don't really need stings to protect themselves. They slowly evolve and become stingless. They are now called stingless jellyfish. 

This is a picture of the lake from Wiki. Those orange dots are stingless jellyfishes :


I don't know how much of this is true, after all, I don't really go into marine biology. Here in the perfect secluded area with no threats, no enemies, no competitions - they slowly evolve to something more neutral like telling themselves that "there is no threats for us, why should we put a fence and make ourselves stronger if there is no harms in this world?".


In this world, I don't know whether to put our fences down is a good idea or not. This is a question many philosophers might ask before me and never found a perfect solution or answer. Whether we should accept the world as it is and not be ready for any possible harm, and create a completely perfect habitat to live in. Or to be completely ready - for any challenges, any possible threats, any danger. 

For all I know, almost all big countries are making themselves ready for possible big world war. Getting ready with new monstrous weapons and keep in secret, "just in case".

I question this. 
I want a big peaceful beautiful lake for myself that I can put my fence down from all the hate and evil in this world. But how much of this is real as human with thoughts and feelings. How much of this heavenly perfect place is enough?


May 19, 2015

Doodle : The Magic Chef and my old Bamboo


So I found this in my old doodle book and thought I could use it for a practice :


Here is the clean outline in Photoshop :


and the coloured version :

I used the same family colour. 


PS : I'm finally upgrading my old Bamboo to Intuos at home too. Although using Intuos at work and Bamboo at home all this while created some minor confusions, it also taught me how to be flexible in using several different devices at a time (so it was a love-hate relationship). Bamboo is so dear and close to me, I understand all the pressure and location it needed for every stroke of lines and dots. But, the time has come for a device upgrading :D

After 6 years, it is time to pass down my Bamboo to my younger siblings.
I hope they will know how to learn to do magical stuffs with it.

And thanks AF for the Intuos presentooooo ❤ ❤ 

May 17, 2015

Mini Escapism : Conlay Road

I'm still in love with all these little things :



May 13, 2015

Little Stories 89 : Multitask

Upon our arrival at the finishing line, we were asked to line up to take our first batch of free gifts consists of a bottle of mineral water, banana and medal. I took mine and thanked the volunteer.

I looked back and saw my brother holding 2 bananas and a medal.

In those few seconds in deciding that he will take 2 bananas instead of 1, he forgot to take his mineral water. In my life, I've met a lot of men that can't do multitasking. My brother is one of the worst. 

May 09, 2015

Little Things 186 : Found

I looked back at my past and I only saw some visible faded scars. I am letting go. Maybe it comes with my full commitment in starting a new phase in life. Maybe I am unconsciously erasing all the painful memories of days that I left begin. Or maybe because I've learned to accept and I am adapting to the new idea of beautiful possibilities. 

For all I know, I stopped being in pain.
I knew I was in a lot of emotional pain for as long as I remember, and all I want is the pain to stop. I thought it was impossible, but I knew there must a way to heal. There are solutions for every problem. I met a lot of important people in my life and my big mistake was I always expect them to help me. I kept thinking : if only I can find one person that can heal me.

The thing is, I never did find anyone that can heal me.

I just finally found myself. 

May 07, 2015

Doodle : Pink Macaron + Roses

At first it was from a task given by my boss, to make a Macaron-theme poster. I sketched everything based on all things to make the french pastry and illustrate it using tablet on my Photoshop. I had too much fun and decided to make it personal instead :D

Here is the full illustration on my Behance : Macarons + Pink


I just snap a lousy picture of the sketches using my phone :


And simply redraw it :



May 05, 2015

Little Things 185 : Our Day

Less than 30 days before our wedding, things are getting a bit hectic. Everything goes faster than I expected it to be. I'm worried of all the little things that needed to be done, excited but worried sick. If I can show it to the world, it must be from my little rashes and pimples scattered on my face. Phew. 

And because the wedding will be held in ma's kampung, it will be a bit hard for me to control everything : I'm not sure giving ma the whole control of the event is a good thing or not. Everything I plan to do is being ignored. All I know is the wedding would be in white. I requested for a small family-friends event with simple meet-greet and no-sanding or anything fancy. *I don't think so.  I just wish everything will go well and the weather would be super nice and breezy.

The worst thing is I am distracted, I can't no longer do anything else like reading, working, writing, drawing, studying, without feeling unsettled. I guess I am thinking too much and I need to do something about getting myself ready for the big event. Wish me all the best in the world. 

May 02, 2015

Little Things 184 : Grey's Anatomy

I'm upset about Grey's Anatomy.
Shonda killed George (season 5), Lexie and Sloan (season 8), those incident were hard enough to process. This time she killed another main character, which is by far the hardest lost for me compared to all the other goodbyes.

I'm uploading this because the post was too long to read, perhaps listening to my babble won't take as much time :

Perhaps you would understand, if you also watched Grey's for over 10 years of your time and not watch all the seasons in several months by downloading the complete seasons right-away. I'm upset to the core and I feel like I just lost someone so dear to me T^T