May 05, 2015

Little Things 185 : Our Day

Less than 30 days before our wedding, things are getting a bit hectic. Everything goes faster than I expected it to be. I'm worried of all the little things that needed to be done, excited but worried sick. If I can show it to the world, it must be from my little rashes and pimples scattered on my face. Phew. 

And because the wedding will be held in ma's kampung, it will be a bit hard for me to control everything : I'm not sure giving ma the whole control of the event is a good thing or not. Everything I plan to do is being ignored. All I know is the wedding would be in white. I requested for a small family-friends event with simple meet-greet and no-sanding or anything fancy. *I don't think so.  I just wish everything will go well and the weather would be super nice and breezy.

The worst thing is I am distracted, I can't no longer do anything else like reading, working, writing, drawing, studying, without feeling unsettled. I guess I am thinking too much and I need to do something about getting myself ready for the big event. Wish me all the best in the world. 


  1. Tahniah dear Azreen Chan. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan menjelangnya hari bahagia.

  2. May Allah ease everything for you ^^

    1. Thank you. Jemput dtg, kalau sudi :D
      Nak kad boleh email kat akak address Mida. Mihmihmih.

    2. mimihmih suddenly over excited! InshaAllah ! I'll love to kalau takde apa :D okay !
