May 13, 2015

Little Stories 89 : Multitask

Upon our arrival at the finishing line, we were asked to line up to take our first batch of free gifts consists of a bottle of mineral water, banana and medal. I took mine and thanked the volunteer.

I looked back and saw my brother holding 2 bananas and a medal.

In those few seconds in deciding that he will take 2 bananas instead of 1, he forgot to take his mineral water. In my life, I've met a lot of men that can't do multitasking. My brother is one of the worst. 


  1. pendek kata. memang lelaki macam tu.
    been there. and still wondering why.

    1. Maybe when men focus on something, all the power will pinpoint to one thing at a time so they will shut everything else out. Hmm, this connects to new different hypothesis.

  2. Too true. Men think in "boxes", one box at a time. Dah in kotak banana, can't think in kotak air! It's interesting but frustrating to live with too. ^^"

    1. Kadang2 macam takboleh nak terima. Like I was doing several things, and I expect him to at least listen to what I was saying - but he was reading his text message at the same time and he didn't even heard anything =.=
