March 19, 2015

Run : Fitness, Health & Technology

There used to be a time when technology isn't as big as it is now. I remember doing outdoor activities without clicking on 'start' button to track my distance, I remember the time when I read Reader's Digest magazine every month to know about some useful tips and tricks, I remember the time when learning about things means you need to collect pamphlets, go to library or ask an expert.

Now, it is much easier.
Everything is on the tips of your finger.
I really enjoy technology, I found it very useful.


Here is how I used technology in helping me managing my health & fitness :

Mobile applications :
I've been using smartphone since 2012 and one of the thing that I really like to do is trying out new mobile applications. Throughout the years, I've tried many apps, downloaded and deleted some when I felt like the program didn't worked for me. There are a lot of applications available in the market, so it depends on the user's preferences to know what really work for them.

These are some mobile applications that I'm using :

1. Runkeeper - I keep track all my fitness activities using Runkeeper i.e : running, walking and yoga. I've been using the app. since 2012, so I'm comfortable with the whole system. Usually early each year, I'll set a total distance that I want to achieve for that year. Last year I aimed for 150km and this year is 200km. I can also see the reports on how much I improved, or how much calories I burned and that keeps me motivated. I guess competing with my Runkeeper's friend list also one of the reason for me to stay motivated.

2. Yogify - I downloaded the whole package in 2013 that includes 3 big programs : strength, balance and flexibility. I learned and followed the program level-by-level. It is very easy to use because I don't really need internet connection to load videos from youtube every time or pay for yoga classes. I can just click on 'Start' and do it myself on my own pace.  

3. Headspace - This mobile application is quite new for me, so I'm still trying out the free app. It teaches us how to meditate and tell us the importance and benefits of meditation in a nice convincing voice walkthrough and animated video. If you love science, read this.


Blog :
Other than keeping track of my activities using mobile applications, I like to write on health, fitness and foods every now and then. I keep track of my running events, my running tips & tricks and other useful knowledge that I found or experimented on my 'staying-healthy' regime.

The blog is a personal place for me to remind myself on things that I found useful, because I am aware of how vast the internet can be and I can't keep track of everything if I don't write it down. Perhaps it might help readers find useful things as well :)


Pinterest and website/blogs :
I also found Pinterest very interestingly reliable in finding out about almost everything for example : healthy food recipes, how to do smoothie and juices, running tracks, yoga poses, tips and tricks and fitness hacks. I pinned everything and keep in in a folder for my personal read.


What I want to try in the future :
I am very much interested in fitness trackers that can monitor daily steps, sleeping patterns, and calories. It is not as widely used in Asian countries as much as in the US yet, so it's quite pricy and it's hard to find one suitable for me in local market. Although I don't feel comfortable tracking everything, I'm interested in finding out about those invisible data in my body to learn about the technology behind it.

But then again, this is also interestingly yummeh : 


Last week, I found out about Oscar Insurance while I was researching on concept and interfaces for insurance based website and mobile application. I found their approach friendly and eye-catching, so I saved for my future reference.

Since their company is tech-based and uses fitness trackers in their incentive program for their members. Each Oscar member receives their own Misfit tracker and can even earn back $1 a day when they hit their personalized goals. It inspired to share few things about how has the technology helped or changed the way I manage health and tools that I'm using to keep track or improve it. If you are interested in learning more about them, check out their sites for health insurance in New Jersey and New York. They don't have it local yet, but they are expanding fast.

I am not in any way affiliated or received any compensation for this post, I just found their company interesting and I am free to share these knowledge with people :).

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