March 18, 2015

Little Things 174 : Light

1. Heliotropism is the motion of some plant parts like tree branches and leaves towards the sunlight. Even without eyes, plants can stretch themselves slowly to the source of light. Helios (sun) + tropein (to turn) = turn to sun.
I like that 


2. Earthworms are generally blind. But somehow even without eyes, they can sense dark and light using a special receptor on its skin. No eyes, but still can detects the source of light. It knows where is up, where is down. This I learned from I, Origins. 


3. Jellyfish and deep sea creatures like the monstrous-looking angler fish, can produce light also known as bioluminescence. For what use? To lure small animals and become its' prey. Curious smaller fishes see light produced in a deep dark sea when everything is pitch black. Pitch black, small light, that's where it heads to. 


Somehow every living things is attracted to the source of light. Without we realize, we are attracted to things that lighten our lives. Metaphorically speaking. If we fall in love, we feel like the person radiates some sort of positive energies that might as well make us feel the notion of light - even if there's no visible light around them. Thus the saying : "you lighten up my life", it just makes perfect sense. 

Ditto spiritual enlightenment. 
It uses 'light' in the word as well. When a person comes to an understanding about his/her life, like some sort of awakening from a semi-conscious state of living. Everything becomes clearer and brighter. Yes ?


Perhaps we are biologically created this way. 
Maybe we are not fully aware of how we tend to go towards the light.

It doesn't really make sense, but I like this idea. 

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