February 14, 2015

Plant Project : Succulents 2

Update from this post :

Remember this succulent leaf I picked up from Ma's little garden like a month ago? This was after 2 weeks, with tiny little new roots dangling for a new life :


Well this is how it looks today, with super tiny new baby succulent near the root. I am a happy mommy :D I've been watching really closely every-single-day, spraying some mists of water with love on the soil. From a tiny dot to these little leaves :

More than 5 weeks old :


And while others are also striving for their lives, rooting very slowly. I really need a magnifier :o This plant project of mine is bringing me little joy in life. If these little dying leaves can survive, how can we not? 

They are all fallen leaves by the way. I picked them up and put them all together, some died eventually and I had to throw them away. 

I guess some are born to survive 


I'm still waiting for my left-over broccoli to start rooting, I am not sure whether it will work, it started to smell tho - like turned brownish a bit. But I read online, that some plants will be quite brownish and unhealthy looking before it starts to propagate, so.. yeah.

And also 3 stems of rosemary, still no sign of life continuation :| And also those lemon seeds I picked up from lemon detox water.

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