February 08, 2015

Little House 4 : 4 months


Pets :

I gave Minka the ferret back to my boss after 2 weeks + another 3 days.
Taking care of a ferret needs a lot of patience. Even writing about her needs one whole dedicated post. So I went back to my stinky home, changed to proper clothing, mixed some detergent with Dettol multi-cleaner, and started to clean the whole apartment. That took around 2 hours. I put back all things to where they belonged and the apartment is very much in order now.

But even after almost a month, the house still smells of her =.=

Maybe pet plants are enough for now.


Pillows :

My mom made 6 cushions : 2 huge, 2 big and 2 small. *I can finally put it in the living room after I returned Minka. By now I spent the price of 1 huge commercialized cushion for 6 hand-made cushions. I chose the fabric and colours with her, a nice mixture of light and dark brown. I'm using synthetic kekabu and also learned about making batang bantal. Can't deny that I'm enjoying all little processes in creating my little home. Now I have a place to melepet2 in my living room even without any sofa or chairs :D

Plus Aja gave me a nice brown coloured carpet for my birthday to match everything in the house. I can sprawl in my living room now, while reading good books or writing decent blog posts. This is how it looks today. I put those illustrations on the wall using tack-it, I'm not sure how long it going to last :


Frugal life :

If you have sensitive skin and living as frugal as I do, maybe you can try this. Instead of using laundry powder, you can wash your pillow cases using water and soak it with left-over lemon slices from the detox water. Other than giving fresh smell, it also has antibacterial properties.

Bills :

My electrical & water bills are below RM 10 per month, so both bills are subsidized by the government - I'm having free electric and water every month :D But rent is super expensive, for a single renter, I'm scraping money out of my comfort zone for 3 months now. What an irresponsible way of living :F


Foods :

I can't do so much with cooking because I can't buy fresh foods (fish, meat, chicken, etc) to be kept in my tiny refrigerator. The second-hand fridge is so old, it can't keep up with freezing foods anymore. I might need 5 months to buy a proper 2-doors fridge. 

So that leave me with these easy simple foods: 
1. Soups, by now I've tried making so many types of soups. Egg soup, chicken soup, veggie soup, mushroom soup, tomyam soup, everything I can mix off. Truth to be told, the only thing I feel comfortable eating is rice and soups. 
2. Salad, the easiest way to eat without cooking stuffs up. Potato salad, fruit salad, mixed saladtuna salad, I read up Pinterest recipes just to find ways to vary salad-makings. 
3. Sandwich, hah, my favorite would be a mixture of 2 slices of breads, cheese, egg, kewpie mayo, and slices of chicken or simple bread with honey. Mmm-hmm.

Oh, other than that, I do eat Mi Sedap sometimes.
The best part of living alone is, I can cook my favorite food every-single-day and no one will complain. 



  1. hi azreen... i love reading your post... interesting... may i know how much is the rental, i'm planning to rent a studio but have no idea of the rental range... tq

    1. Hello,

      I did some research before renting this place. There are some places in KL area with one-room studio apartment, usually they range between RM900 - RM 2300, depends on the location, access, building (high/low-end).

      Just type in the Google Search for 'studio apartment kl rm', and you'll find some options.


    2. Thank you very much for the info... =)
