July 18, 2014

Little Things 128 : Al-Mumit *updated*



According to The Sufi Book of Life by Neil Douglas-Klotz (page 166) :

When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to remember that all formed, embodied existence - thoughts, feelings, identities, and bodies - comes to an end, and open a door to another world. 

In Sufi terms, the experiences we have of dying within everyday life are called fana, passing away from one image, concept, or configuration of our self to another. When we go through these transitions consciously, the self that resurrects itself reflects more of the whole, more of its purpose in life, and more of the Beloved than the one that passed away. Hence the Sufi adage, often attributed to Imam Ali, "Die before you die".


According to Asmaul husna : Dengan Namamu Aku Hidup by Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz (page 223) :

Yang Maha Mematikan.
Iktibar dariNya : Manusia mempunyai kewajipan mematikan, iaitu membunuh segala runtunan hawa nafsu yang sering mengajak manusia melakukan perkara-perkara yang bercanggah dengan kehendak Allah SWT.


As I go through both of these books to make comparisons, I opened this particular pages on the meaning of Al-Mumit. I asked myself, what kind of transitions do I really need to make? Which part of the whole idea of being me is awfully wrong that it bringing me to places that I don't want to be? I probably have known which from which because some of it are sticking out like a huge thorn on my decaying soul.  

The Neil's version is more diverse where it talks about dying in metaphorical way or known as transition to a better self, while the Nik Aziz's version is more focused on the avoiding/controlling carnality (hawa nafsu).

Everything concludes to the same thing,
that I need to change certain unhealthy things in my life and be better.
Or die, die everyday and be born new.


Additional note :
I found this on the night I spent 3 hours trying to sleep, and my heart said something is unusually odd. I woke up and tried to ease my mind with words from all useful kitabs next to my bed. Some words in this text are classic; thou - you, wilt - will, wouldst - would, behold - see/observe.

According to Selected Poems of Rumi, version from Professor R.A.Nicholson, 1945 (page 58):

Die before death.
The Prophet said, "O seeker of the mysteries, wouldst thou see a dead man living,
Walking on earth, like living men; yet his spirit dwells in Heaven,
Because it has been translated before death and will not be translated when he dies -
A mystery beyond understanding, understood only by dying -
If anyone wish to see a dead man walking thus visibly on the earth,
Let him behold Abu Bakar, the devout, who in virtue of being a true witness of God became the Prince of the resurrected."
Muhammed is the twice-born in this word: he died to all temporal losing and finding: he was a hundred resurrections here and now. Often they would ask him, "How long is the way to the Resurrection?" and he would answer with mute eloquence, "Does anyone ask that of me who am the Resurrection?"

Become the Resurrection and so behold it: becoming is the necessary condition for beholding the reality of anything. Whether it be light or darkness, until thou become it thou wilt never know it completely.



  1. don't die --- :)

    you can be new, but you are still you. eh apa ke benda ni. hehehe...miss you!
