July 13, 2014

Book : Time Traveler's Wife

4 years since I first read Time Traveler's Wife. I remember lending my book to my friend and never got it back. I bought my second copy at one of the Big Bad Wolf's event and kept it for years, knowing one day I'll reread the book.

Early this week, after finished reading my latest Murakami's compilation of short stories and vowed to slow down in my book-buying activity, I picked up the now yellowed Time Traveler's Wife from my dusty shelves. 

I took almost 5 days to finish it. I purposely left the saddest part to be read at home in my room while I was alone so that I can cry without making people around me uncomfortable. The book still makes me cry T^T 


I love how the writer (Audrey Niffenegger) wrote in 2 versions, from both the main characters : Claire & Henry. 
I love how Audrey managed to capture their feelings and thoughts in written words. In this case, it is not easy to write as a person who waits and as a person who leaves. It is like talking both from the victim and murderer's point of view - a style Jodi Picoult uses a lot in almost all of her books. This usually makes reader feels more connected and near with the characters, it's like we can imagine walking in their shoes.
I love how she wrote it beautifully like those words were crafted to create a complete artwork. She played around with words and emotions. I read so many books, I can say that this is not a chick-lit or even romance, it is just a beautifully written story.

And I love how it makes me cry. Every book that makes me cry deserves to be mentioned. I always wonder about to what extend can written words stretch its power. If any books managed to make me feel sad or happy or angry or motivated, then the writer succeeded in creating an epic story.


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