July 18, 2014

Book : Relish by Lucy Knisley

I visited the new huge MPH at NU Central and found Relish by Lucy Knisley. I just need to have it.
Two years ago, I posted about French Milk, a travelogue by Lucy on her visit to France and I also bought 60 pages of her e-travelogue to Tanzania last year - mostly about the place and food :


It's basically about food. The author/artist loves food and she shares her love in a beautiful and colourful comic-like + doodles. It is a mixture of experiences, menus, how-to, tips, and thoughts. Her illustrations are much better and cleaner compared to her last book. I love how she love to list things down, because I love to list things in visual :D 

Details :-
Artist : Lucy Knisley, an American comic artist
About : Life experience & food
Pages : 173
Printed : First Second Books on a thick paper *better than most comics I own! 
Links : WebsiteTumblr

You can buy it from bookdepository for around RM 53 with free delivery and it might take 3+ weeks to arrive or you can also find it at MPH NuCentral for RM 59 - like I did ! *can try to find it at Kinokuniya, KLCC too. 


Miss Lucy Knisley

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