September 25, 2013

Mini Escapism : KL City on Foot

Remember the previous posts on my Melaka mini escapism several months ago ? 
This time it's KL city, a stranger in her own city. 

I finished my Kuala Lumpur city tour on foot. It took awhile because I only got to do it once a week, but it was definitely worthwhile. I've always wanted to do this and to see my KL map finally filled with drawn lines, the feeling is very fulfilling :D 

The last time I walked almost as much as this in the city was about ten years ago, after my high school years. Things didn't changed much and while I was exploring I saw a lot of things from my past and a lot of new things as well. I put a list in my mind on things I love and places that I want to remember. I found some places that I love sooo much that I want to go there often :F

I always thought that I need to go far to find my solace and learn about life. But I learned that it is not something in the future that will teach you about those things, it is something in the present, right at this moment. 


KL City Tour on foot.
PS : Only for explorers and travelers by heart.
If you want to try it out, what you need to do is :

1) Buy a city map, plan ahead the route you want to use, and if you are not sure about your location or which way to go, go ahead and check your map again - like a tourist :D And if you found a precious gem like an old bookshop : Junk Book Store or perfect hideout in the city, mark the place. I know it's easier to use your smartphone, but it will defeat the purpose of exploring. 

2) You will be using a lot of public transportation, so reload your Touch and Go. I used around RM 10 each time I went out for the whole day. Public transportation is the quickest way to arrive at the destination but you'll be missing a lot more on local roads, so I prefer walking.
Plus, walking distance depends on your strong will and feet. 
I probably walked around 4 - 8 km on outing days, and it was very different from the previous running events I went to due to the awful heat and city traffic. 

3) Bring water, with a lot of walking under the hot sun, you'll be dehydrated.

4) Bring umbrella, for heat and rain. Most days were okay, the weather was nice and hot, drenching in sweat was normal. And there were hot days, my head was exposed under the heat for hours and resulted with a heavy headache until I came back home and rested for the night. So, it's Malaysia, prepare for the sun. It won't be comfortable, if you are okay with sweat and a walker by heart, it shouldn't be a problem. 

5) Take pictures, take mental notes, remember routes and have fun.



  1. have you ever lost?
    if yes.
    how you find your way back?
    I'm looking forward to do this after my STPM. insha Allah.
    I love walking and explore new things :D

    1. Yes, I referred it back from the map.
      It's not that hard, being lost in the KL city, after all, it's KL :p
      Pusing2 jumpa balik.

  2. Replies
    1. Well, yes, in busy roads, takde la tempat2 sunyi sepi, itu elakkan pergi seorang lah kot. And it's fun jalan dgn geng yang suka jalan dan explore sama, that's for sure.

  3. nice sharing, wanna try someday.:)

    1. Sure, :D
      Try lah someday while you are young and free :D
