December 29, 2012

Beijing : The Great Wall of China

I wished I went there during Autumn or Spring. I'd probably enjoy walking around the area , and stepping on thousands of steps much more excitedly. But it was winter, it was blisteringly cold and windy, it was icy and slippery. From one point to the other, we had to cling on a long chain, slowly hiking up, putting our feet along a small drain. If my boots were spiked, it might help big time. 

White vapours came out from my mouth while I was speaking. We were a bit 'jakun',  and I kept on saying " This is where Karate Kid was filmed ! ", of all movies, I chose to remember Jackie Chan's Karate Kid. Very original.

I took out my tin soldier and put it on the wall, backgrounded the view of the high peak of the wall tower. " This, is the Great Wall of China ! ", I whispered to myself.


On our way back, we had to slide down. There was no other ways, it was too icy to walk. Some people had fun crawling all the way up several times to slide down on the icy path. I envy those joy of falling down, they made it look like fun.


Along the handler, were hundreds of padlock chained, little red ribbon tied up to each padlock. Each padlock got its initial, later I found out from Google that it symbolized an eternal love. Usually couples come there to hang a padlock and throw the key away so that their love will be forever locked on the sacred place. But we used it as our chain to hike up ! :D 
I am so sorry , there was no other way !


There is always a serene feeling when I go to old ancient places. Each place kept secrets and stories, some were told, some were forgotten, and some were never known. It kept old souls deep within. 


Pictures were taken by using :
Lumix LX3
Nikon dSLR D40
iPhone 4s
I hate watermarks, so please be informed that
all pictures are mine.
Thank you.


  1. Best la boleh jalan2. hu~
    Yup sy pun suka pergi tempat2 macam ni . rasa tenang je. tp tu la, peluang pergi tu sentiasa tipis heheh senipis purse iniiii~~
