December 28, 2012

Beijing : Modern Architecture

On the fifth day in Beijing, we finally visited their famous modern buildings , the National Stadium & the National Aquatic Center. 

It was cold, windy and a bit snowy. We walked for 150 meters from where the bus parked, before stopping to take some photos in front of those buildings.  

I asked my brother :

What do you think of the designs? Do you like it? 
I don't know. I don't feel anything. 
Well, I don't like it. I loved their old buildings very much. But the new ones are pretty ugly. If this is what modern architecture is, well, I don't like it.  

I'd probably love all old buildings, so I managed to come out with so many excuses to dislike modern buildings.


Little Facts :

The National Stadium, also known as The Bird's Nest by the local people was designed by Herzog & de Meuron from Switzerland. It looked more like a huge cocoon, ribboned.


The National Aquatics Center ( " Water Cube " ) looked like a lot of soap bubbles from afar. It was designed by PTW, Australia & CCDI, China. I didn't really like the design too.


The China Central Television Headquarters ( CCTV ) designed to look like a 'continuous loop'. It was freakishly huge and odd.

Picture taken from

Around the area , snowy morning :


New friends :


Pictures were taken by using :
Lumix LX3
Nikon dSLR D40
I hate watermarks, so please be informed that
all pictures are mine.
Thank you.