November 12, 2012

Event : Pipit


It was a busy day. My 4th Pipit day last Saturday held at Annexe Gallery, Central Market. My sister and I rented a space and opened a small booth. I sold stickers and my sister sold phone straps and keychains. 

I've been busy for the past month to be ready for the day. I've been heavily sick and I am still recovering from my sickness. My MBP died on the night I needed to do last minute prints but I stick to plan B- which was bring anything I already have. I kept my cool and tried to forget the meaning of stress & panic. I put aside my worry thoughts, I said to myself "Let's just do the best of tomorrow and we'll think about problems afterwards".   


It was a productive day and I had fun.
I met so many people, for that, I thank all of YOU, for your supports. It was over-whelming. I can't thank you enough. My final event for this year is wrapped with good memories. 

I met Pupurin , Oh & Ah's , Evangelione's Handmade , Mike the Pipiteer , Namizam , to name a few. I also met several silent readers from here. It was such a nice moments. I remember meeting this nice little girl, called Mahfuzah - she was so sweet, I feel like hugging her ! I met merahitujambu, a blogger - of course I know you ! Also Qiqien , you've been buying my things, so I remember you too - thanks for the support. I'll check the artwork I promised to send later :) And plus Adora and maybe all other people who stopped by and greeted me, I forgot your names but it was so nice of you to come and talked to me ! T^T I feel loved and appreciated. And my colleagues and friends and my brother ! Can I even thank you enough?

I slept that night with a smile plastered on my face.


Stickers Galore :



Evangelione's little hand-made dolls :


Solo exhibition ,  nice detailed drawings :


Can you see the crowds? 
I was sweating with my shiny face, it was super hot :


Anyhow, thanks again for your love and support.
See you next year !



    best jumpa awak dear

  2. Kiter malu nak tegur ^_^ antara yg awal sampai. Siap tunjuk map & pic annexe galery dekat pacik taxi. Pastu bla jumpa tempat rasa terharu sgt.

    Your fan here came all the way from land below the wind hehe... Did you recognize me?

  3. nak sangat pegi tapi apa kan daya... next time will see you

  4. :OOO Haha, OMG I can't believe you mentioned me. Thanks Azreen, your work was awesome. I pray for the best for both you and your sister (:

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  6. ehh nama saya pun ada . hehe :)
