November 09, 2012

Event : Final Pipit

I just found out yesterday that it would be our last Pipit Event : Pipit Creative Market 9 :


Pipit Wonderful Market a creative festival for handmade craft, independent artist, designer and other related creatives talent that are interested to expose and trade their creations or items. 

Date : 10 Nov 2012 , Saturday 
Venue : Annexe Gallery , Central Market , KL 
Time : 12pm ~ 7pm 

They have decided to make this as the final event and promised to come out with something much interesting and unique in the future. For that, I guess I'll just hope for the best ! It's been a great experience, so this would be my 4th and last booth at Pipit T^T

So come tomorrow !
Support hand-made arts & crafts.
Meet my sister and I there. 


  1. Owh..ruginya tak dapat pergi..


    Goodluck kak azreen. ! :)

  2. owww~ wish I could go.
    bet there's lots of interesting things to look at. hehe.
    hope u manage to sell a lot. :D

  3. What a shame it's the last Pipit :( Sad, but yet happy because I got to meet you, and bough your stickers just now :DD

  4. tak dpt dtg sb bnyk sgt keje kawen.. btw congrats

  5. Thanks everyone for coming !
    It was such a fun day. I really appreciate your support.

    I hope there will be other upcoming events next year, and hopefully we'll meet there :)


  6. salam akak. yang akak buat portfolio,little thing semua tu dia panggil ape eh? nak buat tak tak jumpa tuto sebab tak tahu apa panggil benda tu. :'(

  7. Josyu, itu ada di bahagian "Page". Boleh tambah sub-topic di situ :)
