July 21, 2012

Doodle : On my wall

Hello !

I did a mini project lately : decorating my wall. I know it's a bit crammed but I got a habit of putting many things on one place, just as crammed as my usual doodles that I love to draw :D

Sometimes when people ask me the meaning of all this, I would stop and ponder. I guess I don't have the right answer. It just feels right. It keeps me focus. I let certain things in my life remain unanswered.

My room

This huge one on the left is zamzammee's doodle.

Babushka from my grandmother.

The littlest babushka in the family.

Look above ! 

I bought this from zamzammee too!

Pink rose.

Ironic badges that say about me.

Huge nose hole.

Little mouse from 2005


Rabbit from past, and pendants as a gift.

It's been 2 months, having my own place teaches me several things in life. Practical stuffs like changing broken light bulbs, painting walls, redecorating, paying bills, wiring, daily chores and possibly many more other things. I am still using the broken bed that I've nailed to make it at least decent enough to sleep on. My kitchen is still stiff and unfriendly because I hardly use it to cook foods. 

Thank you for this chance, only You know how much I've dreamed about this.