July 18, 2012

Doodle : Oh doodles me more!


Hello !

I have a habit of taking notes & doodle when I hear or saw any interesting things that I want to remember. As a human, I know I have a brain of a goldfish, I forget things so easily! So I take notes on things in my various notebooks. Quotes, interesting sayings, inspirations, items around me, and such. Here are some of them :


A logo for a cafe in Moscow by Sergey Shapiro


This is Dominick Verstoep's logo by Lecart 


Various of Drinks

I remember sketching this at an Iranian Restaurant on a tissue paper.


Sleep dear Sleep


1 comment:

  1. Azreenchan!..that soo cutee..
    hihi...love it..:3

    I follow you!..mind to follow me back??

