December 21, 2011

Little Things 3 : Mix Tape

A mixtape is a compilation of songs recorded in specific order. 

I love receiving mixtape. It is so rare, and so personal. It is like sharing your thoughts to someone, because for me, music sings the song of our unconscious mind. When you create a mixtape, you will think thoroughly about which kind of musics should you share, what makes you share it, why you love it, your current thought and all those little things. It needs extra efforts compared to buying a whole pack of CD for someone.

People don't really do mixtape anymore, most probably some mix CDs are still exist, and the easiest way of sharing thoughts through music is just simply by sharing it on their Facebook wall. Which is effortless. 

PS :
Technology kills the romance in us. 
And I'm being super old-school again.


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