December 21, 2011


My cat, Awan is now 22 weeks old.

While we've been away to Bandung for 5 days, we left Awan at my dad's house with Bibik. I don't know  if she is just straight-forwardly a coward or just because of the new environment. 

But I found out that for days that we've been away, Awan stayed in our room at my dad's all day and hardly explored the house. I thought Awan would be as curious as a cat? It's their nature.

There is even a proverb saying :
Curiosity killed the cat.

She didn't even let anyone touch her at first. So we took her home as soon as possible and now she's back to normal. Kisses in the morning, asking for breakfast, waiting for me to wake up, what a nice way to start my day.



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