October 14, 2011

Random Updates.

It's October! It's my busiest month in 2011 *excluding Nov & Dec. So many things happened and about to happen. The convocation, the freelance, the work, the business, the hajj, the next event, the ShangHai, the 4th meeting, the iPhone 4s, the death of Steve Jobs, the big bad wolf, the rehearsal, the reunion, the scary dream, the birthday. It's overwhelming. Super busy.

I bought 25 books at the Big Bad Wolf. I went there 3 times with different group of people. I spent RM 160 for those 25 books which consisted of graphic novels, international comics, children book, novels, the art & making of. Seriously, who would sell The Art of Bolt or Bee Movie for RM 12? Big Bad Wolf. Yes, they are nuts. You still have 3 days to check them up at MAEPS. Don't waste your time at MPH, Popular or any bookstores for this whole week. I'm dead serious. 

PS - I don't even have any space to put my new books, I had to line them up next to my bed, on the floor =.='

Do you know that some people are just plain ignorant & rude? And even though how hard you try to be patient and ignore their stupidest jokes and insults, they just don't care. Your respect and patience are just a 2 cents happiness for them. Cheap jokes & insults. Never thought I'll be surrounded by this kind of people again. I thought people grew up after high school.


Oh a moustache! 

I miss having free iPod,
I would definitely buy an iPod 4th generation
if there is no such things as new iPhone 4 or 4s.

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