October 13, 2011

My.Inspiration.2 : Oliver Jeffers & Oct gift-away.


Do you love children books?
  I do!  
Other than my graphic novels, the art & making of, & visual travelogue,
I'm also a a children book collector.


Here is one of my favorite children book illustrator :

I've collected several children books by him.
I love his simple illustration & color mixture.
I love his storyline, I love the fact that it is not a typical normal story.


So here's the deal.
I have a brand new :

It's for October's gift-away!

Do you want to read & own a new Oliver Jeffers's children book?
Either for your own collection or for your children/younger siblings.
Here is the chance!

Because we need to share things that we love  with people.
It's a good karma :D

How to win this ?

1. Write a comment below, informing your entry.
2. Write a blog post, twitter it, share it to facebook, with everyone!
*I'll track the source link to this page & choose the WINNER :D
3. Tell me why you love children illustration or why you want this book, 
I don't mind if the post in English, or Malay.
Tell me, tell me, I would love to know.

Due Date : 6th November 2011 
*in 3 weeks time*


So, free children book anyone?


  1. Kak Azreen ! I am joining it !

    facebook > http://www.facebook.com/naimahlalala

    blog > http://catlover-lalala.blogspot.com/

    twitter > http://twitter.com/#!/naimahlalala

    *Dear kak Azreen I want to win this book because I really love to read books ! I don't really care what kind of books I read . This book seems really awesome ! I also love children ilusstration and yes ! I love children .

  2. join! really really hope i'll win this time around ^_^


    been promoting it on fb and tweeted it as well

  3. Kakak azreen ,i'm joining ^^

    blog link-

    fb link-

    thank you for reading kakak azreen-chan ^^

  4. Kak azreen, saya join :D

    blog - http://pedulipulak.blogspot.com/2011/10/azreen-chan-october-gift-away.html

    fb - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001235298578

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. join!!!!!

    please do ur inspection,,aha!


  7. Dear Azreen,

    I really hope I can win this gift-away. It means so much to me as I love reading so much and I am a book collector, same like you.

    Do visit my blog for this gift-away entry:


    Till then...chow! Keep up your good work ya?

  8. Oh..i was so excited to know about this GA!Great!Absolutely great!
    I join sis :D


    i will spread to the world about this GA :]

  9. the winner will be chosen on how?the best entry?or top refferal to your blog?

  10. joinnnn!!!!!

