July 13, 2011

Oh, Hello.



Hello, Good Morning,
I'm feeling a little bit better than yesterday.

Currently doing another 2 blocks of custom fridge magnet.

Oh yes, this Sunday,
I'm going to be at Creative Muse 2,
so do come alright?


This little brooch is on sale.
You can see all her family members here : Babushka Brooch :D
Free postcard to each buyer.


You know some people are not accustom
to respect other people?
When you encounter such situation,
where you are not being respected,
just stop and walk away.
There's no point of arguing.



  1. I love that daisy! :)
    And you're right, there's no point of arguing.
    Walking away and turning the head is the only solution.

  2. Hello !
    I remember you from my instagram :D

    Yes, I've tried to argue with them but it left me feeling frustrated instead. So I learned to walk away.
