July 15, 2011


Here is my other commission orders for this week :


Custom Wooden Fridge Magnets
10 x 10 cm


Second :


Third :


So there you go :)
This Saturday I'll be at 'Hari Koperasi' in one of the school
in Puchong and on this Sunday I'll be at Creative Muse 2, The Weld.


I've been having fever, flu and cough for this whole week.
Been trying to get better but still failing.
My family and colleagues are also having all same symptoms,
it's continuing!  I wonder who spread the viruses :p

Anyone interested to order large wooden magnet from me?
Just email me at azreen_31@hotmail.com.



  1. awwww *_* you are so talented!

  2. and beautiful! Talented and beautiful! Just rewad your about section. I like the vibe here, keep it up!
