September 14, 2024

Little Stories 299 : Glasshopper, Physically Moving & my Secret Hideout

Beautiful Breakfast - Outing Edition

That morning, we rented and rode bicycles in Putrajaya for almost an hour (10km). Then Aja brought me to Glasshopper in Putrajaya and treated me to a beautiful breakfast. Renting a bicycle near Taman Seri Empangan is much cheaper (RM 10), but the bicycles are old and not in good condition - need to choose wisely.

Look at my colorful fancy breakfast (walaupun both of us masam2 macam kain buruk) :

I'm part-timing with my sister for the time being.  
I think it is an excuse for her to make me stay over at her house, always :F


Slowly Moving 

I started moving again. I promised myself that after I recovered from vertigo and the viral cough, I would use up my body well to move and try not to forget what it felt like to be sick. 2 long months felt like an eternity, but I fully recovered. So I started exercising again. 

  • I aimed to do at least 5,000 steps daily
  • When I reached 5,000 steps, I tried to reach 10,000 steps
  • When I reached 10,000 steps, I tried to reach 10 k distance
At this moment, I only walk because I'm reintroducing moving again to myself, and my aim is not to lose more weight. If I started running, I might shed more weight. I'm really skinny right now, so if I could gain more muscle and healthy fats instead, that would be good. Also, Sofi was off-school for a week (school holiday), so I couldn't walk daily and had to improvise.

In September:
  • Walk 5,000 steps in a day 
  • Walk 5km 
  • Walk 10,000 steps in a day 
  • Walk 10 km 
  • Ride bicycle 10km 
  • Yoga 15 mins 
  • Yoga 30 mins
  • Meditation 20 mins 


I changed my mind.
I don't want to openly tell people that I'm writing again. I would rather have my peace and quiet here, only with you, my tiny people. This is my secret hideout - if you know, you know. 


I think giving assurance is a rare skill. 
I didn't know I needed them until I had several falls in the past few years. And when life is so tough kan, so terribly cursed, so darn miserable, we don't usually have anything on us left, all stripped bare and naked on the floor, drained to the core, and at that moment, sometimes you only want words of assurance. Not a promise, not a sympathy, not a full package of support & time commitment, just assurance. Just so you can stay a little bit longer, persevere.  

To continue striving to survive the difficult phase. 
Have something to believe in. Sprinkle some hope. Turn on the string light along the dark tunnel. 

After all, it's free.
All you need is empathy and your words.  

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