April 23, 2024

Books : The Reading Campaign and First Person POV Ramble


The Reading Campaign

There is a small campaign made by local libraries in Selangor that urges us to read for 10 minutes today, from 11 am to 11.10 am. I don't know what to feel when the campaign is to invite anyone/everyone to stop doing other things and just read anything for 10 minutes. 

10 minutes? :F

In school, if the teacher gives us a free slot to do anything we like, I would read, during recess, I would spend time in the library to choose which book to read next, after school, if I had to stay back for extra hours class, I would spend more time in the library before that, to read. I used to organized the book series in the library based on what I'd read because there was no one else reading those book series. I secretly plastic-wrapped the books that I read and returned them back to the library, then when I came back years later, I would recognize these books. 

Books, are everything.


On writing a novel based on the first person's POV:

Here is an excerpt to remind me why Orhan Pamuk's first-person POV doesn't sound too excessively self-absorbed - because 1. he always reminds himself of that when writing (and even aware of that to the point of mentioning it in the story, 2. because as a writer, his observation towards his surrounding is meticulous and elaborate, self-absorbed people don't see anything other than himself.


You can actually feel the story that revolves around the character versus the character that was there, observing the story. 

He did not even want to think about how terrible the world would be if men spoke always of themselves, of their own peculiarities, if their books and their stories were always about this.

So I apologize to those readers who don't like it when a man speaks of himself especially when he's caught up in such confusing emotions..  

There is a thin line between this, and I'm a bit particular when I read first-person POV fiction - 

it's my all-time favorite style of writing, but not everyone can reach that sweet spot. 

Not Dostoyevsky, not Hesse, not Coelho. 

To reach the death of the human's ego.

Patut lah dia menang Nobel Prize....... :F


Note: I just finished a good book, so I'm not over it yet.

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