March 20, 2024

Little Stories 280 : Final Stretch

Intense final week:

I dreamed of my work last night, in my dream, I was managing which task to do first. Lining up all the tasks in their order and priority, thinking about how on earth to manage multiple tasks concurrently so I wouldn't be late to submit everything. Whole day working and I continued working even in my dream. But despite that, because it is week 8 of the training, I have managed my expectations and possibly my stress as well. 

BUT, I might be in denial - maybe I am just not as hysterical as before, but the stress is still really high. Or else, I wouldn't be waking up late in the night, sleeping back, and feeling tired even after a long sleep now, wouldn't it? Current weight is 47 kg, which might be because of puasa, or overwork, or possibly both. Ma jokingly said there is no point in wearing a kebaya with a flat body like mine - which I should take offense to, but seriously, do you think I have time to think about how my body looks when I have more important struggles to manage?

Payung Teduh said :

Mengapa takut pada lara

Sementara semua rasa bisa kita cipta?

Akan selalu ada tenang di sela-sela gelisah

Yang menunggu reda 

I'm waiting for everything to calm down, then I'll pack up and leave.

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