January 25, 2024

Little Stories 275 : The Fancy Reception Dinner

This is the continuation of the last weekend's event.
It was my cousin's reception dinner. Another fancy event to prepare and attend that caused havoc for our whole family the past couple of weeks. 


About the face prep:

This time, I did try to make an extra effort - so my sister helped me with the eyeliner because I'm still a noob, I accidentally did it the wrong way because she was observing and I was too nervous. I managed to wipe them off, and she helped me with the 'tail'. I also patched my eye bag with a liquid BB cream - because I don't have concealer (but I think it looked ok). Then I use lip balm because I can't find lipstick and I haven't decided on which colour looks good on my skin (and personality) - plus I don't like the lipstick's texture.

Ok lah, I think it was a good effort to push myself to try something that I'm not good at and I looked decent enough for a function. Everyone else in my family looked divine and cool. 

About the baju:

I finally got my choice of clothes for the event. Somehow that week, Aja found my kebaya that matched the wedding's theme from our old baju raya, we didn't even know from which year because it was a long time ago but still fits me. The zipper from my kain was broken, so I used Ra's kain that fitted me well - and my sister also decided to wear her kebaya with Aja's old kain that somehow fitted her as well. So we found a loophole of not needing to buy anything new for the event! 

And I borrowed my sister's mid-heel because mine was flat - I can't be the only short one outttt.

The women can wear anything: dresses, or kurung or kebaya. The men need to wear a full suit - and because we never really needed to go to a function before, it was a bit problematic. The options were to buy, borrow, or rent. So they went on a long hunt of trying to find a suit that fits. 


About the event:

The guest arrival started at 7.30 pm, I was ready with wudhu' at 7pm so that I could pray right-away after azan in my dad's room. Then there were canapes served in the foyer and in the ballroom where people could mingle around - I was not ready to socialized with strangers and my cousins, so we headed to the photo booth first to take our sibling's photo. 

Here is the fancy entrance:

No one was cool, everyone was jakun together because the event was so extra, so fancy, so beautiful. Everyone was taking loads of photos and videos. In this pink phone booth, you can record a speech to the bride and groom :

My Seating:

I'm thanking God Almighty for giving me such good seating. I got a seat next to my brother and Sara (my cousin) - on a supposedly close cousin's table (we stopped hanging out together in my teenage years), so it was awkward. Both my sisters were scattered elsewhere at other tables.

I also got a table near the front so it was a good seating arrangement. I have my brother, and I didn't have to chat because the background sound was so loud we literally needed to whisper or shout at each other to make a conversation.

Everything worth mentioning:
  • This video by ToiFilms
  • The dance performance by the bride & groom's friends
  • The speeches by the parents (it got me teared up)
  • The gift box (it was beautifully designed and we got a reed diffuser with a lovely smell)
  • The interior was by Reeka Timor
  • Meeting my whole family from the dad's side was also great
  • The guest room that my aunt got for each family (the room cost around rm 1.4k per night - which is craaazy expensive. Definitely a T20 experience)


The food:

I shouldn't comment on the free food. But my cousin definitely put a lot of thought into choosing the best meal for the guest. I might not even have this chance again so this deserves a mention. 
  • Appetizer: Tropical 'kerabu' mango & papaya with prawn 
  • Soup: Roasted pumpkin soup with tom yam Cream, served with bread & french butter
  • Main: Grilled Beef Tenderloin
  • Dessert: Coconut Jelly
I regretted choosing the beef tenderloin because it was so thick and grilled medium-raw. It was supposed to give a juicy texture but at this age, I can't appreciate the rawness because I keep on imagining the creature. It got the flesh smell. I couldn't finish it and passed it to my brother. But now I know that I can only eat overly cooked meat. Lesson learned. 

I now know that I make a better version of thick roasted pumpkin soup. Teehee.



I hope this doesn't make me look like I want to flaunt anything - it was a fancy wedding that I experienced for the first time, but we came as a representation of extended family members. Yes, my dad's siblings are quite successful in their own way. 

I have almost nothing compared to them, but rezeki masing2 kan, and I'm so happy to experience such an event. Happy for Lyssa, happy for Aunty Chu, I'm sure Arwah Uncle Raja would be so proud too. I missed him and his vibes.

Anyway, congratulations to the whole family.


A LOT of mirror photos and selfies. The older gen - always asked us to take their photos, but we the 'younger' ones, take photos mostly ourselves. So, it was the same thing, they take as many photos of themselves as we do, but they use us as the tool instead. 

I guess we can still enjoy being in vain while we can ♥︎ 
May old age treat us lightly, and we can look back on the past with fond memories of our youth.


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