January 15, 2024

Little Stories 273 : The Fancy Solemnization & Teatime at Broom

Last weekend my siblings and I were invited to my cousin's Nikah (it has been a while since I went to a wedding). We were invited as the representative of the bride's family. I think it is one of the most stressful weddings we've been invited to because we had to make extra preparations - like wearing specific matching colours and with limited 'only-invite' seats (no kids event - means no Sofi), needing to arrive at the specific time, and of course, it was my dad's side of the family - so, if you know, you know. 

But it is the fanciest that I've been to so far. 
It was like being in the Crazy Rich Asian x Bridgerton. Everything was beautiful and bright and colourful and nicely designed. I had so much fun because I was off mommy-duty and I was with my siblings. I tried to socialize with my cousins, but like I said, it has been a while since I socialize and I forgot how to talk with people my age - or people in general. The aunts and uncles were fine, but cousins, it was awkward. 

We took tonnes of pictures because the lighting was great. We were the kepochi side of the family, we were all the jakun ones and we were okay with that. I mean why should we pretend when we were truly impressed kan. 

Anyway, the wedding will be held next weekend and that's another stressful event to prepare for because I have not decided what to wear (the bride's family theme colour is gold/bronze - and I don't have anything in those colours). Plus the men need to wear full suits/tux and the women can wear anything but preferably in gold/bronze. Right.


About the face and the tudung:

Ah, an interesting note to mention (because my siblings asked - I wish they asked sooner), we were asked to wear pastel blue coloured clothes right, and the tudung needed to be as light as well. As you know, usually wearing lighter-colored tudung needs some kind of preparation or my face will look a bit dull in it. I don't wear makeup right, so I was not confident that I could wear anything in white/light grey. 

What I did was, I used Garnier Vit C serum for the past 3 months just to brighten up my face and to reduce uneven skin tones. That's what I meant by a stressful preparation. But it worked - I looked radiant even without makeup in the lightly-coloured tudung. So, if you need to attend a function and you need to wear white tudung, and you don't want to wear makeup, maybe you could try this too. Don't let anyone tell you that you need makeup when you don't want to wear them :F (but my mom didn't agree, so choose your battle).


The Tea-Time:

Takde, we had no excuse. We just wanted to lepak sama-sama at a cafe. We went to Broom in PJ after the event - just because. I ordered a matcha latte (with soy milk) with apple crumble and then I couldn't sleep that night. My brother's apple pie was better I think. 

Super note: I don't think dessert works for me anymore. I'm so sad. 


The last week's massage + lunch treat:

I went to a 90-minute massage (as a birthday treat from Aja) last week, it was painful and good. A bit cold, didn't know why the spa was too cold during a massage session. Great session, but a bit too far from home. It was in Honey Spa Bangi. If I could go again, I would.

Then Aja belanja me a samurai buffet in Samurai Yakiniku in Bangi. Basically unlimited yakitori and beef strips for syabu-syabu and yakiniku. They come with rice, miso soup, and salad as well. It was great until we became overly full (then looking at food wasn't that fun anymore). Beef is a rare commodity for me - but that was an interesting session that week. 


Then the whole week:
I mostly worked. I've been juggling between a full-time job and several freelance projects these past few weeks. It is almost reaching the finish line, and perhaps I could get a breather after I send all the client projects - then maybe read a book or two or three. 

This was my song at the end of 2023:

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