December 24, 2023

Little Stories 269 : School Holiday Version •ᴗ•


On Work:

I made it! 

  1. I finalized and passed all the files for the Raya project with a skincare company next year.
  2. I submitted draft 2 of the guidebook project this week during a school holiday and moved on to complete the whole book by the weekend. 
  3. Also, I had more incoming design tasks for freelance work but I can't do them yet (and I asked to postpone the due date because it's the school holiday) 

I wake up early in the morning to start my day early, and then I try to do as much as I can while getting distracted every now and then. (even though I can start work at 4 am, she can wake up as early as 5-6 am when she finds out I am not sleeping next to her). So, yeah, it's a phase. It is extremely challenging to work during a school holiday because Sofi is around 24/7 and really clingy. But I made it so far. 

My initial plan is to finish up the whole guidebook draft by this weekend or maybe early next week (I asked Af to take care of Sofi during that time so that I could focus on finalizing the complete draft). Then I can submit the draft to the team by next week, and they will probably revert back next year because most people are already on long extended holiday until next year kan. 

So that's my initial plan, for now, one step at a time.


On Spending Time with Sofi During a School Holiday:

1. We watched a movie at a theater for the first time. Aja wanted to bring Sofi to watch 'Wish' so we went there on a Tuesday morning - the first viewing was at 1020 am but the ticket was not listed as 'early bird' and it cost RM 28 each for an adult (agak pricy di situ compared to TGV).

We were around 1/2 hour early so Sofi already stuffed her poyot with half of the sugary popcorn by the time the movie started. When it started, the cinema theater was empty except for the 3 of us - and Sofi, clearly having a sugar rush from all the popcorn she had just eaten, couldn't really sit still throughout the movie. But it was manageable la, she stood up and swung in front of her chair when there were songs, explored the stairs next to me, sat on me, and continued eating her popcorn. Minor stuff like that.

No extreme stuff like crying or whining, feeling bored, and wanting to go out or leave the movie. She was well-behaved and it was another level unlocked! Thank you Mamaja ⋆˚✿˖°

2. Most of the time, I had to remind Sofi that she needed to play by herself because I had urgent work to catch up on. So, I know she is bored most of the time but it was just bad timing - hopefully next week I'll be free if I can finish up everything early and wrap it all up. Have you noticed how much a toddler can eat during a school holiday?

Here are some of the foods that she prepared for me while I was working (Note: She said it is a burger, then a juice and a cupcake):

3. The Ghibli week.    𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

Sempena musim Ghibli, I wanted to watch Ponyo with Sofi.

My sister and I grew up with Totoro and Kiki, they were the essence of our early imagination (because we passed our toddler years in Japan and it was huge back then). I wanted something that resembled that early childhood thing with Sofi so we could have a good memory together. 

So we finally watched Ponyo together, it was great. Why I have not watched it before, I don't know. It was visually stunning, the story was engaging, and suitable to watch with a younger audience. I loooved it, and highly recommended it. Compared to princess stories, I liked this one much better. 

We also watched Arriety together and she continued with The Cat Returns.

We also watched Earwig and the Witch the night we slept over at Aja's house - but didn't finish it because I was too sleepy to stay up (end up waking up at 4 am as usual and scrolling over the IG the whole early morning).

Other than the '10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki' documentary on NHK, I also found another documentary from 2013 - after his 2nd retirement announcement (found someone shared it on Youtube, maybe this will be taken off YouTube later so you should definitely watch it while it lasts):

I love how unapologetic he is, being a grumpy old man. Radiating an 'introverted aura', a pure genius at his work, and stubborn as hell. Like all geniuses in their department, he only focuses on his art to survive, so to learn that he was an absent parent while Goro was growing up, was not shocking (I mean, Steve Job was one, I'm sure Haruki Murakami and Paolo Coelho are also the same if they had children). It seems like an innocent curse in exchange for their magic, huh.

He is a warm person in heart but a bit too serious about life, and that is relatable. I think January babies are just bound to have serious personalities. We can't help it, we are born to be a bit too serious and honestly, I don't think we are fun to be with, and we don't care about having 'fun' or being happy, we care about having a fulfilling life though T^T

4. Sofi's First Outing with Mamaja:

Another level is unlocked!

Aja asked whether she wanted to go 'jalan2' with her and by the next day she agreed. I was surprised as well because she NEVER ever wanted to be away from me/Af. I told her that I'd be working the whole day, and if she wanted, she could go have fun with Mamaja instead.

I don't know what made her agree, but she was so excited. She mentioned that she is a 'big girl already' and she is 'not scared' T^T So then we went back, showered her, and got her ready for the outing. They went out for several hours, had lunch, and played at the play park for 3 hours (not sure where Mamaja said it was a secret - but somewhere in IKEA Cheras). 

I think she had so much fun, she is still catching up with her speech delay, so she can't really tell her story that much to me. When asked, she only said, "I play, I jump so much, I play with friends in a house, I got slime".

Well, I'm so excited for her too.   


Oh yes, somehow on Friday we ate out at After Seven in Tamarind Square. Even though every food here is dairy-packed, and I was pretty sure I would face the consequences the coming week, I just put my social-food hat on and played my part (because the food was good and I love cheese).


I did eat my lactase pill, and the bloatedness was mild later that day. But several days afterward, I felt bad and couldn't really eat well. Let's see if pimples will come out by my birthday week (for that, I don't blame anyone but me). 

That's the end of the first school holiday week .𖥔 ݁ ˖


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