November 30, 2023

Little Stories 266 : The End of Week Nov

Some stories collected since last week:

The Covid and the Extended Weekend:

2 weeks ago I had Covid, and then a week later Af got it too. Despite not being in contact with him, he caught it. I'm not sure whether Sofi had Covid, because on the day that I had the test positive, Sofi had a high fever for 2 days but tested negative on both tests.

But I didn't want to risk it, so Sofi and I went back to my mom's and we had an extended weekend stay there. 


A Walk in the City:

Then I needed to return the books to the library because it was reaching its 2-week limit, so I went there on a Tuesday - that I mentioned in the previous post. 


Then I had another date with myself:

On Wednesday, none of my clients updated me with any feedback yet, so I decided to make an impromptu plan to watch The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. I am one of the Hunger Games trilogy fans (not the books, just the story in general). So as a fan, I need to know what Suzanne Collins had to share with the world. 

I booked the ticket at 11am and arrived right when the cinema displayed the gate was opened for entry. I bought myself an americano, drank half of it throughout the movie, got heart palpitations and shaky hands due to getting myself highly caffeinated on an empty stomach, and enjoyed the movie while trying to ignore my shaky chair (due to the back audience's feet) and listening to constant random conversation by a group of friends behind me. 

All in all, I was entertained by the movie. I tried writing an essay about the movie, but I found myself lacking the information needed to understand Snow better (ie in the book, you can actually read Snow's inner monologue). It is a villain origin story, and please, if you say that Snow turned into a villain because he felt betrayed by Lucy Gray, then you obviously need to sharpen your observation more. He chose to be one because of his hunger for power, money, and status. He is mistrustful towards others, he betrays, he manipulates, and he cheats. He is ambitious and narcissistic, he wants to earn his right to entitlement as his father's son. 

A sad past, a difficult life, or a partner that chooses to leave you, shouldn't be a reason for anyone to do evil things in life. Of course, we want to blame others for our fall, but in reality, everyone is responsible for their own decision. His authoritarian convictions grew out of his experiences while growing up, he developed his ideas about the world and human nature and chose to be influenced by the different people that he met. 

He always has a choice and he finally chooses evil. 


Then it was the PMS: 

So it was the bad sleepless night, the random cries, the bloatedness, the sudden urge to eat sweets and salty foods, the headache, and the fatigue. All the things I had to go through during the emotional rollercoaster ride. 

Note: NEVER make any big decisions during your PMS weeks. You can cry, you can rant, you can whine, you can curse, you can question, but you can't make any big decisions during these weeks.  


An Ode to my fav Flannel:

After 10 years together, exploring the city, drenched in my sweat, it is finally reaching its end of life. I saw a big hole on my left sleeve last weekend, not salvageable by sewing because I know I used it as much as I could throughout its life. 

Thank you my dear dear purple flannel. You were my favorite in those sweaty journeys because you hid my sweat-stain well, or my flat-chested sweaty chest, and you were clinging on me with such precious loyalty. It was always comfortable to wear a cotton flannel on an active day out, and I thank you so much for your service. 

Lepas ni jadi pakai jadi baju kebun :


Spotify Wrapped:

These songs will be forever engraved in my mind as the year I was so emotionally invested in pain.

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