November 20, 2023

Little Stories 264 : Caught the Bug, Again

I caught Covid at the end of Oct last year, and I caught it again around a year later. Didn't think the test would turn positive but it did. It started with a sore throat, mild watery nose, and feeling feverish. The next day, I was better but still had a sore throat and my nose was a bit watery (not even stuffy). I bought the test kit just to make sure.

Surprise surprise, not even 5 minutes in, the test kit turned positive. 

Apparently, I caught the bug again, perhaps during the Pekan trip at RnR that we stopped by, where we mostly mingle around with so many strangers during the festive season. 


On Friday night, Sofi started developing a high fever. We suspected that she might caught the virus too because her fever was high - mostly around 39°C, almost reaching 40°C for 2 days straight (she never had those). We got her COVID's home kit test and tested her for both days but they were negative. Went to a doctor and the doctor asked to come again after the 3rd day if the fever was still there.

On the second night, it got a bit scary. She was delirious, she seemed to be seeing things or not seeing things, I wasn't sure. She ran and touched things like the pattern on her blanket, my bundled sweater on the bed, the book on the shelves, or my face, and then she seemed confused, all while her whole body was shaking so hard. Every time she woke up from sleep, she was clearly upset and confused. Her high fever was persistent the whole night, and we had to manually cool down her body using wet clothes. It finally calmed down before Subuh on the third day. The next thing I knew, she woke up in the morning and found me at my table in the other room. Alhamdulillah, I'm so glad. 

That afternoon on the 3rd day, she finally showered and brushed her teeth (she insisted that she smelled dadi's kontot on her and it was not her own breath) =.='


My COVID this time around: (self-quarantine)

  • Day 1 (Thu): Sore throat, watery nose, feeling feverish
  • Day 2 (Fri): Sore throat, watery nose - tested positive
  • Day 3 (Sat): Sore throat, watery nose
  • Day 4 (Sun): Sore throat, mild cough
  • Day 5 (Mon): Some wild cough (on random)
  • Day 6 (Tue): Feeling like coughing
  • Day 7 (Wed): Feeling fine & tested negative (yeay!)
Note: I got by with Difflam, daily hot tea, mixed with honey. Also, my symptoms are mostly focused on my throat: sore, prickly, sudden wild cough. So other than that, I got madu kelulut from my dad (I ate it twice a day), Af got me turmeric soft gummies to suck slowly, and dry cough syrup (that the pharmacist suggested).

Currently, I'm the only one that is tested positive and my home isolation order ends on Monday. But I will quarantine for longer lah. 

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