September 19, 2023

Little Stories 258 : Another Dentist Trip and A Day Out in the Sun

After the root canal treatment in 2020, the day finally arrived, I made an appointment at the dentist to get my two left molars fixed yesterday. Basically, just to get fillings but I was so traumatized by the 2020 treatment, so I procrastinated for 3 years to get it done. Ha. 

I made an appointment at Lumiere Dental Clinic in Equine Park SK.

I never went there before, just trying out a new clinic until I find one that I feel comfortable with. I arrived 20 minutes early. I went in, the doctor gave a briefing on what the steps going to be, asked me about the problems, and took a look around. Then after that, he told me that I had 3 problematic molars that needed some fillings, all on the left sides and I also would need a routine scaling. He explained the procedure, the duration of the treatments, and the price range. He asked me what I would like to do.

I chose to do the 3 molar fillings, and the scaling was scheduled for next month. It took around 30 minutes for the treatments, mostly uncomfortable and some minor pain (sapa suruh let it rot lama2 kan). But compared with my previous treatment in 2020, this was much better. 3 molars in one shot, but much better service. The doctor assured me or distracted me with an explanation, and I'm thankful for the small care. Sbb it is scary, jgn tipu kata you go to the dentist every 6 months :F

Also, I had fillings in my different molars before. I still have one with a black filling from the school year (which is very obvious and they stopped using the filling nowadays), and I have a plastered one on the right that I did in 2020 (also obvious) but these new ones are different. It is pristine and beautiful. They looked like original teeth before any holes. They look so niceeee, I never thought the technology has improved so much - I mean I have 3 different types of fillings in my different molars to compare to right now. These ones are the best, in terms of the aesthetic lah, I hope they don't need that much attention in the future.

Later that day, I went to the city with my brother and sister, and I asked them to guess which of my molars were fixed that day and they both guessed wrong. Hihi.


Free consult.

Molar filling: RM 120 each x 3 = RM 360

Duration: 30 minutes

Pain level: Mild, the holes weren't that deep

Feedback: Teeth look like original pristine-looking molars, like nothing was plastered on them. 

Note: I will go to this clinic from now on.


Okay, different story.

Alang2 I was already out, I asked my brother to join me - then somehow my sister also joined us. It was my active resting day so I needed a walk (managed to get a 5km walk). While waiting for my sister, we wanted to try Broom in the BB area but it was closed every Tuesday. We were already there, so we went to Breakfast Spot right next to it. 

Bad choice, pastries are not their forte, so it was bad. My brother said their main dishes are good - but not pastries. You go to Broom for pastries OK. Lesson learned. My sister was still a long way from KL so we walked to Lalaport and just took a look around. Nothing much. 

We had lunch and tumpang her back by car (and her car's air-cond needed new 'gas' so we were hot all the way back, really-really hot). Then it was raining heavily halfway back but it was too late, my migraine started anyway. We picked up Sofi and we went out for boba tea (which later disrupted her sleeping time and she went to sleep at 10 pm). I had to sleep in early because of the migraine. Soooo, there are reasons why I have 'these set of rules' because I learned patterns and I know which works best.

  • No processed sugars after 3 pm for Sofi on school days,
  • No walk in the direct sun for me, I need shaded paths or get proper glasses, no hot places, no caffeine after 12, and a lot of nos' just to avoid these bad migraines. 

Get my molars fixed, done - 2023

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