August 03, 2023

Little Stories 254 : Quick Breakfast at Broom

I don't have anything worth your time to tell about this post, it is just a post about a beautiful cafe, beautiful lines of pastries, a divine frothy dairy-free matcha latte, and a nice vibe. A fancy place for a plain person (like me, I do feel out of place). I was an hour early for the Moss Fest event, so we decided to have breakfast at Broom Artisan Bakery just right next to AweGallery. 

As I said, nothing much to tell about the place - it was surely beautiful, and it gave inspiration for me to do a food spread in my doodle journal. Price-wise, it is just like any other cafe: my croissant was RM 7 and my matcha latte was RM 15. My mom would surely membebel if she sees any of us eat out like this (even though I do this only once or twice a month - but I posted it online when I do, so it seems often enough).

I mean, how could I not? Again, the place is beautiful and the foods are visually appealing. How could I not appreciate beautiful things in life? Look at these, it's the art of food styling, interior designing, and visual branding in one go :



Remember in Croisserie I sat at table number 11 and this time I sat at table number 1: 


Look at that frothy matcha latte in a ceramic clay cup - it was heavy and thick ok. I want to bring home the Japanese cup if I can. Plus the croissant is crusty and buttery. I didn't eat those desserts that much because I wanted to avoid dairy (I had a workshop to attend):

But anyway, it wasn't a nice time because I still feel awkward with my brother-in-law and he seemed to not enjoy having to spend more money on 'basic food' and good vibes. But in my defense, perhaps to maintain good things in life, you'll be needing to put extra $$ on certain things? It's really hard to find good things that are free, right? Sure I do mamaks often enough, but nothing at mamaks are nice to be photographed or visually appreciated, they don't really care about the visual part of food or interior of the restaurant or the design of things.

Is it so wrong to spend money every now and then to appreciate beautifully crafted things?


Anyway, the next day I invited myself for a simple breakfast at my brother's house (because I want to try sourdough bread that he just bought) plus we need to buy groceries from NSK. I didn't eat for more than 15 hours by then so I was light-headed when we arrived and could not help him at all in the kitchen. Yes, I have the habit of leaving my stomach empty for a long stretch of time - especially if I had late lunch the day before :F Not a good habit. 

Anyway, here's what his 'simple breakfast' stands for:

But then, he is a baker and he loves to make food for people, I guess he really enjoyed this (so I secretly transferred money to pay for the food and drink later that day as a token of appreciation).

That's it for my end of July beautiful food post ! 

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