July 17, 2023

Run - A Week of Running Challenge

I have another 103 days left before my next half marathon. I stopped running for a while after the running event got canceled (and I booked another run in Oct). It rained so much lately that it's making me hard to plan anything. I think my last run was in May so I want to start training again to catch up.


The only free time I have (in July-Aug) is after I send Sofi to her kindergarten in the morning on weekdays. So I'm planning on going running straight away after dropping her off. The sun might be a little too strong for my eyes and I'll probably have a migraine afterward, but let's try at least a 3 km morning run a day for a week. If I can do that, I think I'll just continue the routine throughout July and Aug. 

There are 3 challenges: the boredom of running in my area, the dogs, and the bright sunlight (+rainy days). 

But I have no other options, plus this is the only chance I have to run daily until Aug. 

A week's challenge :

  • Monday: 2 km running + 5.5 km walking (no energy)
  • Tuesday: 3 km running + 5 km walking (cold morning, early dawn rain, started my day with honey to boost my morning run) 
  • Wednesday: Public holiday. No running, it rained the whole day
  • Thursday: 2 km walking. No morning run as well, it rained the whole morning :F
  • Friday: 3 km running + 4.5 km walking


A concerning note: my weight has been slowly declining over the past 6 months - I haven't even started training yet. Early this year, it was probably around 52 kg and today I checked it is 49.1 kg slowly reaching 48 kg. It's either the weighing machine is not accurate anymore or I'm really losing weight. It's a concern because I'm already quite thin, if my weight is less than 47 kg then I'll be underweight again and will look a bit unhealthy (plus, I can't no longer donate blood). I'm not even trying to lose weight. I hope there is nothing serious behind this. 

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