June 08, 2023

Little Stories 252 : That Conversation in White Lotus


Daphne asked Harper whether she likes being a woman and Harper said she’s fine with it, 'usually'. 

She then said she loves being a woman and would hate to be a man : 
"It’s so lonely. I mean, they are so competitive. It’s like, can they even be friends with each other? Cameron and I went on a safari and on safari, you see all these pods of elephants and they all like, bathing in the river and playing with each other and it’s so sweet. But it’s just the moms and the babies because when the boy elephants get too big they kick them out of the pod. And then the bull elephant has to like wander through the jungle by himself for the rest of his life. I feel sorry for them, you know. It’s like they think they’re out there doing something really important but really they’re just wandering alone. " - White Lotus S2 E03

I think this was one of the moments when Harper realized that Cameron isn't as shallow as she assumed she was.



I finished watching White Lotus season 2 and I had mixed feelings about it. Both seasons were uncomfortable to watch and I wondered why. Then I found this article and this, which might explain it better than I can. Although it focuses on different topics, they were all unsettling and awkward - not a good watch with your partner or friends.

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