July 12, 2023

Books : The Week I Went to Bookstores and Reading on Kindle Again

I went to Bookxcess in RexKL and Eslite in Bukit Bintang yesterday. 

Bookxcess in RexKL is definitely a view worth mentioning, it is a place with beautiful mazes of books. I've never seen bookstores more beautiful than this. But, there was not even one book I felt intrigued to own. Like all books in the Bookxcess franchise, I felt like the books were mostly left-over books that didn't make it in the book industry. Except for their children's books (worth money to spend on):


While Eslite in BB, on the other hand, got the latest and rare books in the market. You'll see the fanciest beautiful illustrative cover or the hardcover big edition or the hype titles. All start from RM 60+ to RM 80 and even more. Very expensive latest books that make you think several times to buy. The philosophy section is great and quite big. Stationaries are mostly from Japan so you'll be drooling - there is a sense of FOMO when you are in such a place. There is Porter International as well near the entrance. There was a time when buying a fiction cost me RM 32.90 (and for a twelve years old, that was really really expensive), now the price starts from RM 65+. And with my reading pace, is it even worth the money to spend? 

Anyway, my brother gifted me this because he said the colour reminds him of me and it would look great with the green clothes I constantly wear lately (and I cried inside because that was so sweet T^T) :

I bought 2 books for $4 on my Kindle: The Glass Bead Game & Beneath the Wheel, by Hermann Hesse because I can't find the physical copies anywhere. A few more books until I khatam all his books this year.

Novels : 
  • 1904 - Peter Camenzind 
  • 1906 - Beneath the Wheel
  • 1910 - Gertrude 
  • 1914 - Rosshalde 
  • 1915 - Knulp ✓ 
  • 1919 - Demian ✓ 
  • 1922 - Siddhartha ✓ 
  • 1927 - Steppenwolf ✓ 
  • 1930 - Narcissus and Goldmund ✓
  • 1932 - Journey to the East ✓ 
  • 1943 - The Glass Bead Game

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