July 26, 2023

BB - Sofi is 4

Sofi turned 4 last weekend 

We celebrated at my mom's in Nilai to cater larger crowd that we invited (but mostly none came, hah hahaha). From now on, Sofi's birthday party is family-only party until she gets her own friends that she wants to invite ok - no more open party. I was so bitter last weekend I felt like canceling the event, but it was not 'my' party and we did have fun eventually. Seriously, I can't believe now I had to care whether I have friends or not just so Sofi has same-age friends to play with. 

Anyway, it was not my day, it was Sofi's day and I'm glad she had so much fun.

Thank you to my ma & siblings for all the homemade foods - I requested a potluck party so we each had to make something ourselves. I woke up at 5 am just to make trays of macaroni + cheese, Aja made quiche and peach strudel, ma made mi kari, bubur jagung durian and prepared fruits, Azmi made the cake, the tarts and the cupcakes, and Azura made the sandwich. 

We all wore Ma's purple Zanubah shirt, so it coincidently match Sofi's Twilight Sparkle theme. This is the year she 'requested' for her little pony's birthday party. So we all played along with the purple theme as well. She was so excited to be the main character of the event - she wanted to wear 'the party hat', or 'the cape'. She knew it was her birthday, her cake, her candle, her spot. All, quite interesting for me to watch because she is my total opposite and she's developing her own personality that is alien to mine. She is so expressive and she voices it out, while I'm timid and I don't say much in public. I'm figuring out a way to guide her the best that I can but she always surprises me. 

Look, look, look, all the homemade foods :

These are the little achievements or changes for the past year between 3 and 4:

  • she started talking
  • she started kindergarten
  • she got friends at her school
  • she improved in night sleeping (this took 3 years..) 
  • she stopped wearing diapers altogether (no more night/poopoo pampers)
  • she got obsessed with My Little Pony
  • she chooses her own clothes nowadays
  • she can ride her scooter up to 2+ km while I'm running
  • she has her own 'makeup' routine before she goes to school
  • she knows her ABC and 1-10 (in 3 languages)
  • she can write her name
  • she's very clingy to me (she used to be clingy with Af)
  • oh, she exchanged her best friend 'baba' for the new pony plushie 

She has 2 more years before starting school, and yes, the toddler years went by quite fast once she gained more confidence in doing things herself. Lately, she's been saying that she is no longer a 'bb' (baby) and she is a 'big girl'. She told Af not to pokpok her to sleep because she wants to sleep herself or she will take the weighing machine, weigh herself and show me that she is now 'big'. I don't know where this obsession with 'growing up' came from, because I never really pushed her if she is not ready. 

Anyway, she's my darling and I hope I will be her best friend as long as she needed me to be.
Happy birthday, bb.


  1. knows ABC and 123 dalam 3 bahasa? Wow! What is her third languange? Arab? Mandarin?

    1. Mandarin, yaa Sofi goes to Chinese playschool.
