June 03, 2023

Little Things 266 : My Numbers


On my odd Thursday :

I paid my first bill at 11:13 am, which subtotaled RM 113.00, and the net total was RM 131.10.

When I saw the watch during our lunch stop, my step count was 11,313 steps. Later I was bragging to my brother about it and coincidently when I looked at the watch again, the time was 01:31:31 pm.

Later that day, I paid some bills and my balance was RM 1,313.15. I even texted my brother telling him that my numbers were still appearing. 

Notes: I called them my numbers because I was born on the 3/1 - so I love mentioning the number when it appears around me. I don't know what the universe is trying to tell me on that day.

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