March 27, 2023

Random : March Post

1. Aja's birthday brunch: This was from Kenny Hills IOI Putrajaya. A good place with a huge pastry option and also good food. A bit over-the-budget, but a great place to celebrate something. We tried their Smoked Salmon Pizza and it was divine. Miss Chin introduced me to this place and I came here with my siblings twice already since then. I think it is a recently opened branch. 

Happy with the thick salmon potion :

2. Lovely paragraphs: Iris by Hermann Hesse

3. Song I found that reminds me of a mixture of Air's Playground Love and ROC's Always. I use this track repeatedly since then to write.

Watch the sunrise as we're getting old / I can't describe / I wish I could live through every memory again / Just one more time before we float off in the wind

This is also beautiful: Listen Before I Go by Billie Eilish

4. Books: I finished Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley, the book made me cry my eyes out. It is about a man named Ted, his aging dog companion named Lily, and an octopus (a tumor growing on its head). I don't have a dog, but I have an 11-year-old cat. It was relatable and it was sad. 

I also finished 6 more books this month, my fav one so far is Notes of Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I didn't really read much since I started fasting, I started early because I was replacing the missed puasa

5. Sofi is on T-Rex Ranch & Peppa Pig craze. She's been calling me 'Mommy Pig', Af 'Daddy Pig' and she's the 'Sofi Pig'. Cute but a bit inappropriate, imagine having the older generation around when she calls us that :F 


More Random :

  • How can Mal be a Morozova ? This is a plot twist I had not expected, I knew he would be someone 'important' but not a Morozova, definitely not that. 'Shadow and Bones' is my current guilty pleasure after 'First Love', I threw away a spoiler because I don't think anyone reads my blog except for me. 
  • Reading or writing during a fasting season is twice as hard. And I've been writing and erasing and writing again. 
  • In my latest dream, I met a gatekeeper. 
  • I posted my latest projects throughout the year on my Behance because I need more projects. Please, anyone, hire me. You have no idea how much I dreaded the portfolio updating phase, but I did it anyway. Well done.

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