March 02, 2023

Little Story 249 : About Time (and perhaps, books)

Last week, I watched "About Time", a 2013 film written and directed by Richard Curtis. Not a new movie, I know, it was made 10 years back and I didn't watch it because the poster looked like any other rom-com available during that time. I was wrong. It was not another rom-com, watching it without knowing anything about the movie was great. So if you haven't watched it, please watch it before reading further.


For you that choose not to watch it, or already watched it, well, it is a story about Tim and on his 21st birthday, he found out that the men in his family could time-travel, only to the moments they have lived before, and you can make changes without making a mess in the time-continuum (there is no scientific explanation here, so it fits me well - I don't like sci-fi). So of course Tim uses it to have a better day, better outcome, and better person.

Do you want to know what was the thing that I was most excited about in the movie ?

When Tim asked his dad 
"What have you done.. with it?" 
and his dad answered: 
"Well, for me, books, books, books, I've read everything a man could wish to. Twice. Dickens three times".

Because IF I have unlimited time, I would spend my days reading all the books that I want to as well. I mean, that is the most wholesome thing I've heard about time traveling. Kan ? Don't you think? Being able to cheat time and repeat the same time with different books. When I watched the scene I had the urge to share it with people, because it is the nerdiest thing a nerd would do. Ha. 

So happy. 

So many books, so little time. - Frank Zappa

And yes, of course, the standard uplifting message would be this :

But too many people wrote about it already. I want to relate more to the smallest thing mentioned in the movie. The basic, the normal day-to-day thing, just sitting enjoying books without the need to worry about anything in the whole wide world.


Anyway, I will watch Imaginur alone at the cinema this morning. I hope I have something to write later! 

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