February 09, 2023

Little Story 247 : First 2023 Flu

Yissh, we are fighting our first flu of the year. First, it was Sofi, then Af started getting sick, and now it is my turn. Day 4 of sore throat, sleepless night, and day 2 of a really bad runny nose. I thought I'd be celebrating my freedom by doing something fun for myself, but I'm stuck with a tissue up on my nostril. I had to put a small container on my table next to me to throw all the used tissues because it keep on coming fast. Usually, the flu takes a longer time to get cleared kan, I can't remember when was the last time we caught the flu. 

Yesterday I tried sleeping at 830 pm, then I tossed and turned until almost 12 am because it was uncomfortable. I'm tired right now, I just sent a draft to a client but I know I won't get my rest if I go lie down. I don't even feel like reading :F 


Sickness aside. Today I managed to finish listening up to "Lean Your Loneliness Slowly Against Mine by Klara Hveberg and I also finished reading a graphic novel series called "Mamo" by Sas Milledge, because they were that good. I'm thankful for a clear mind during the flu season. 

I'm actually having a reading pattern that I don't want to explain to anyone. I have these specific books or writings that I'm searching for to understand certain things that I want to explore. In order to find these books, I have to keep on reading - because that's the only way. So maybe that's why I read/listen to so many books lately, or maybe I'm just obsessed with writing. 


Right now it's raining heavily and I'm sitting at my desk again. Sofi cried 3 times in the past 2 hours because like I said, flu is very uncomfortable. 

Maybe I should try to rest now. 

Good rest, you. 


Image by Alexei Scutari, Unsplash.

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