January 04, 2023

Untitled Post : My 36th Birthday


This is a post I wrote later on, 10 months later.

It was a bleak birthday for me, so I didn't write anything about my birthday right away because it was a bit of a meh. But I should want to remember this as it is an important turning point in my life. 

I got a birthday day off from work, so I scheduled a home body massage for an hour from the Sentuh app. Sofi was at kindergarten for her half-day playschool. Then after picking her up from kindergarten, I treated myself to a lunch meal from Fishermanhatten - Af and Sofi were there, but I remember it as a bleak lunch as well. Then my brother came by and treated us to croissants at Cristine's. We also took a picture of the machine, so that I would remember the day well. 

That was the day I said to myself that I wouldn't want to wait anymore. 

Note: I also used all the present money I received from Ma and my siblings that I was supposed to buy myself a new reading chair, to survive later on.

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