April 01, 2022

Books - Slow Reading Month in March

I think this blog soon to be a blog dedicated to my reading habit :F 

I have nothing else new in my life except for these books.

  1. Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke (letter collection)
  2. Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michealeen Doucleff (parenting, non-fiction)
  3. The Hard Tomorrow by Eleanor Davis (graphic novel)
  4. The Deal of a Lifetime by Fredrick Backman (novella)
  5. Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman (novel #1/4)
  6. The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman (novel)


Journey with 'A Little Life' :

When I first started to write this post, I just entered the second chapter (The Postman) of A Little Life, roughly just finished the first 10% of the thick book. I realized that I might not be able to finish the book this month because reading physical book while taking care of Sofi is a challenge. But I promised that this month would be my slow month, so I'll try to enjoy the process. 

Here is the only paragraph that I underlined in the first chapter :

But these were days of self-fulfillment, where settling for something that was not quite your first choice of a like seemed weak-willed and ignoble. Somewhere, surrendering to what seemed to be your fate had changed from being dignified to being a sign of your own cowardice. There were times when the pressure to achieve happiness felt almost oppressive, as if happiness were something that everyone should and could attain, and that any sort of compromise in its pursuit was somehow your fault. (page 41)

It is so beautiful !  This is the reason I wanted the physical copy and bought a preloved one, I wanted to underline, make marks, write notes and make the story mine.


Update on Journey with 'A Little Life' (in early April): 

Like I've predicted, I will need more time to finish this book. I've been slow reading this almost every day now. Imagine me sitting on my bed, usually I read for 1-2 hours. This is the life. This is what I missed the most from my younger years, the time when I stayed on bed reading. 

Anyway, I'm already on chapter 4, almost halfway through the book. I haven't cried yet, but I felt the pain. I wish I can beg the writer to stop hurting the character. The past 3 chapters felt like a slow introduction to Jude and his friendships with Willem, Malcolm and JB, to get readers invested in them. I can imagine the back story, but I don't know how painful or complicated it is yet. 

I've been recording progress video since April, where I share my progress, updates and just reading scenes. I'll edit it once I finish the book, which is taking longer now since the night to read is much shorter during Ramadhan and I've been too distracted in the day.

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