October 02, 2018

No Longer Updating

Hello !

I don't think I'll be available to update content for this blog anymore. I know I've been writing on this platform for almost 10 years and I had fun, amazing time with you guys. Thank you for being here, for reading my written thoughts and feelings.

The reason why :
  • I started my Patreon last year, and it took most of my writing time nowadays. Although I've been trying to keep up with writing/sharing twice every week, I'm planning to upgrade to 3 times a week (for different tiers) and maintain the consistency. Yes, most of things that I shared about are related to my works and projects. Three times a week is a lot, so I've decided to focus on that alone.
  • I'm not sure whether people still read blogs. For all I know, I just write things for myself all this time.  
  • I also make books/zines for my travel. So I don't think I want to share in a blog form anymore, it feels like a redundancy.
 I still keep all previous entries here, there are a lot of useful content 😃

Where you can find me :
Thank you love ! ♥️


  1. I still read your blog! :D

    I love reading all your posts, especially the honest-deep-thinking-stuff, I am a huge fan. *shy* Sad to see you leave but good luck for your future. :P

  2. To be honest before I do sign up on your patreon, I do enjoy reading your blog.

    From blog it leads tooo your instagram too :') Thank you for inspiring me for all those years :')

  3. oh my! i'm one of the avid reader and kinda sad on this news. i've always enjoy your writing. will check our your Patreon.
    thanks for all the post, travel trips and inspiring me to read more! ^^
