February 24, 2018

Cycle : Cycling Paths in Putrajaya

I actually stopped running since my last half-marathon last year and so we started cycling in Putrajaya. We cycled several times on Obike and also OFO, because I'm not interested in investing on a new machine. Usually I used Obike because I've deposited money on the app early this year and I keep on using my points instead of paying, but I tried OFO bicycle last weekend and I think I'm switching to the new and shiny bicycles instead :F Most Obike bicycles in Putrajaya are in pretty bad shape (because they started earlier than OFO), so I had no choice but to try the other app.


New cycling path (Path 3) - around 7 km : 
We like to try new cycling paths in Putrajaya, because the city is huge !
Last weekend we tried another new path and I'm quite happy with our new finding.

On this path, we found at least 4 lookout points, where we can go to the middle of the lake to take photos. There were several bird islands and I'm really happy to have found such beauty in the middle of the lake. We stopped several times in this journey.

We also found an abandoned exercise park, a lot of paths in the middle of upgrading process (so some of the places are nice, some were in pretty bad shape), 2 wooden bridges (that we didn't cross on our bike), and the entrance to Alamanda ! (from the cinema entrance). We also came across Taman Warisan Pertanian (I want to go there next time) and the house of the Deputy Prime Minister. 

We started around 5.30 pm, and I really love how silent the path was. 
No one was around compared to Path 2.


This is the map for our new path last weekend (Path 3)  :

Pro : 
  • Not so many people on this path, quite calm
  • Several look-out points & wooden bridges across the lake
  • Bird islands ❤ !
  • A lot of trees 
  • You can stop by at Alamanda 
  • A bit hilly here-and-there
Cons :
  • You can use this path during day-time only 
  • They are currently improving the path ways, so there a lot of construction sites

Path 2 - around 10km

We've been using this path for many times since new year, I already brought my siblings twice here during weekends as well. 

We always use this path in the morning. After several times, we decided to explore other paths in Putrajaya.

Pro : 
  • Crowd : Medium
  • Some paths - A lot of people jogging, cycling, and doing aerobics , some paths : calmer & less people around.
  • One whole perfect cycling path around the whole island
  • My favorite area is around the Taman Wawasan's path
  • A lot of super-fancy houses to 'cuci mata'
Cons :
  • You can use this path during day-time only 
  • A bit hot, less trees in some paths

Path 1 - Around 9km :

This is the most basic cycling path, I think I used this path many times for jogging and cycling. It is easy, flat, but a lot of people and cars (I hate cars) and you can cycle at night.

Pro : 
  • Crowd : A lot of people and cars
  • Easy-peasy, flat road 
  • Suitable for a relaxing night activity
Cons :
  • You can use this path during night + day-time
  • Buildings and more buildings, less green
  • Boring

There are so many other cycling paths that are waiting to be explored, 
I've already planned for several more explorations ❤
I will update this post whenever I use a new path.

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