October 25, 2017

Work Related : Book Nerd + Game Nerd Pins ❤

My purple 'game nerd' enamel pin is almost sold out. I only have less than 5 pieces in my keeping, sent 10 pieces to Stickerrific last weekend, and probably around 10 pieces in Salt x Paper (if they still have those - I sent it weeks ago). Well, it is almost over - I'm glad people really like it ❤

In between the first enamel pin that I ordered and now as I'm writing, I also ordered 2 more enamel pins (the 'book nerd' 📖 + the 'game nerd' 🎮 in grey version) last month.  I don't think I mentioned about it in my blog yet (but I also did a 'book nerd' gift-away via my IG last month.

Well, because those first enamel pins were sold quite fast, I decided to make a new one and reorder the 'game nerd' in different colour :

These pins came in last month ❤
They are also limited to 100 pieces each design, I don't want to re-make exactly the same one but I can reorder in different colour because the cost to make the mold is PRICEEEY $$.

I designed another 2 new backing cards especially made for these new items :

You can buy it here :
>> Book Nerd | Game Nerd (Grey) <<

or at Stickerrific in PJ / Salt x Paper in KK

Whiny complain :
A LOT of people keep on asking me about where I did my enamel pins, obviously they didn't read >> my previous long post << about my enamel pin experience. I now find it annoying (because 'strangers ' keep on asking me the same thing over and over again, in IG + FB) - sometimes just abruptly, no greetings, none. Don't they know that it is rude to ask about where I make my stuffs. At least have a decency to do research first, instead of waiting to be spoon-fed :F 

Even for me, I found it hard to ask other independent makers about where or how they make certain stuffs because I know it is a personal question 😐 Where is the manner, guys ?  


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