July 17, 2017

Event : From Pen to Paper 5.0

Preparation :
I joined another event several weekends ago (I applied for 2 events in July). The application was awhile back, so I was almost fully prepared for it. I printed and cut sticker packs as much as I can wherever, whenever I was free. I think I cut thousands and thousands over the year, I became so good in cutting stickers (I'm a pro !). I also printed several artprints and small greeting cards (to replace the ones that had been destroyed by the small flood in my room several months back). And ordered several new stuffs ! This time, I was fully prepared with so many stuffs.

Things I collected from the event.

Event day :
We went to Battery Acid Club before for Etsy Made Local 2016 , so it was a familiar place and familiar faces (I remember the owners and several booths participants). I think there were only 1-2 booths owned by Malay on that day, everyone else were Chinese. It is common view (guys, where are independent businesses own by Malays nowadays? I hardly see you guys in creative events) :F

We opened our booth, outside (because last time we attracted the crowd outside of the cafe) but it was really hot and we had to wait in the sun later for several hours. The worst was around 3-5pm. Challenging day.

The good :
  • The event only lasted for 7 hours (11am - 6pm), so it wasn't a super long day.
  • I met several familiar faces (so they do remember me ❤ )
  • The sales was goooooood. One of the highest sales I ever got in an event.
  • I saw several potential local illustrator !
  • Journaling station with lotttts of free stuffs to use.
The bad :
  • It was so hot later that afternoon (we did really stand under the sun for several hours)
  • No 'surau', you need to walk a bit to reach the nearest surau in the area.
Outcome :
Sales : RM 757
  • Booth rent : RM 80 (shared with Aja, so it became RM 40 per person)
  • Lunches & Dinner : RM 15+ (Tapau Meggi Goreng from the mamak for lunch, free coffee from Battery Acid Club)
  • Gas & Toll : RM 10+
The best sales so far ! 
Mostly by selling sticker packs. Thank you random strangers 
For letting me create all the things that I love to make and support me all the way. I'll keep making new things and experiment, so you'll have reasons to keep supporting me !

Images from Af's video snippets (I didn't have time to take any photos !) :


Anyway, the money I spent on making new things (like the patches, enamel pins, lots of printing new stuffs and paying for future events) were around that figure or even more, so you guys actually helped me making new stuffs and restocking. And I really appreciate this support  

Here is the video that Af compiled & edited for me :

See you guys again soon,
Next event : Comic Art Festival Kuala Lumpur
in Dewan Bunga Raya in Campbell Complex, KL on the 29th & 30th July 2017.


  1. Nampak menarik. Suka your art. Impress

    1. Thank youuu !
      Nanti singgah la di booth kat Comic Art Festival KL akhir bulan ni :D
