June 09, 2017

Little Things 234 : Patreon & Latest Video

I am super occupied with my travelogue project until Raya, so I can't update my blog/IG as much as I want to (and without morning caffeine, everything is twice harder). But, if you want more updates on my works and projects, you can pledge at my Patreon here, as low as $1 and you will have access to all the latest and super-secret projects that I'm working/planning on, work process & technical stuffs (if you like those), random blabber when I'm stressed out and random free gift-aways.

I'm trying to balance up my life, but it is hard when I have too much going on with my life, so I just update things fast & short in my Patreon for now.

Patreon is a place for people to support other people to create/make stuffs for a living. 

Here's a video compilation of week 3 & 4 as a full-time freelancer :
(of course, I don't really record myself working because that's like a whole daily boring repetition - so I just took snippets outside of my working routine) :


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